There are three basic options for synchronizing the source and target videos that depend on whether the language used in the source and target videos is signed or spoken.
1. Sign to voice (source video – target audio merged)
The source movie in this option is a narrative in a signed language and the interpretation recorded in the target video is in a spoken language. When the source and target language are merged the video of the signing in the source video is merged with the audio of the spoken language in the target video.
For Example…
An interpreter trainer creates a project and selects a British Sign Language (BSL) video as the source video and then selects ‘Sign to Voice’ as the language direction. The student interprets the video and when they are finished, the video of the BSL is synchronized and merged with the audio of the English interpretation.
2. Voice to sign (source audio – target video merged)
The source movie in this option in a narrative in a spoken language and the interpretation recorded in the target video is in a signed language. When the source and target language are merged the audio of the spoken language from the source video is merged with the signing in the target video.
For Example…
An interpreter trainer creates a project and selects an ASL video as the source video and then selects ‘Voice to Sign’ as the language direction. The student interprets the video and when they are finished, the audio with the English interpretation is syncronized with the video of the ASL interpretation.
3. Interactive (source video merged as Picture in Picture in target video)
The source movie in this option has an interactive dialog between a person using a signed language and a person using a spoken language. The source movie is merged as a Picture in Picture in the target video so you can see both videos in the final merged video
Interactive (source video and target audio are not merged)*
(*this feature coming soon)
The source movie in this option has a dialog with a signed and spoken language so the source movie and target movies are not merged. The videos will then be viewed side by side in Comment mode and their playback is synchronized.
For Example…
An interpreter employer has created a screening video with a dialog between a deaf client and a hearing client that they want their employee to interpret. The employer creates a project and selects the source movie and then selects ‘Interactive’ as the language direction. The employee interprets the video signing the English portions and voicing the ASL portions. When they are done the target video is saved. The employer opens the project up in the Comment mode and selects ‘Show source video’ and ‘Sync source video’ so they can view the video of the dialog between the clients and the video of the interpretation side by side.