There are two basic types of projects recorded video projects or imported video projects.
1. Recorded video projects
For these projects you use the Capture mode of VideoLinkwell to record a video that can later add comments to. There are two types of recorded video projects.
1.1 Source with target video project
A source video is a video that is played while the user records the target video. The source video has to be in .mp4 or .mov format encoded with the h.264 codec. Once the recording is done the source video is synchronized with the recorded target video so they can be reviewed together.
For Example…
An mentor creates a project and selects a source video that they want the mentee to interpret. The mentee opens the project in Capture mode where they can play the source video and record their interpretation of it as the target video. The target and source are then synchronized so the mentor can review the original message and compare it with the interpretation of the mentee.
1.2 Target video only project
A target video is recorded of the user.
For Example…
An American Sign Language (ASL) instructor wants their student to sign a story. The student creates a new project in Capture mode and records their story which is saved in the version, ‘A’ of the project for the instructor to review.
2. Imported video projects
You can import an existing video that was recorded with another application, a camera or other device into a version. The video has to be in .mp4 or .mov format encoded with the h.264 codec. Once the video is imported you can use the Comment mode to add links to it.
For Example…
A CEO has a recording of a speech she gave as an .mp4 file. She creates a VideoLinkwell project and imports the video as an existing movie. The project is then opened in Comment mode where she can review the speech and make links with her own comments and record revisions that she would like to make next time.