The Project Info window has meta data about the project and its versions. Some of this data can be edited in this window.
To open the Project Info window:
1. Click on the Project Info icon.
The elements of the project info window are:
1. Project Name
2. Reveal Project Folder in Finder button
- clicking on this will open the project folder in the finder.
3. Source movie name
- if the project has a source movie the file name will be shown here.
4. Language direction
- this will be one of: 'sign to voice', 'voice to sign' or 'interactive'.
5. Project Comments
- Here you can enter comments regarding the project as a whole. These comments are shown in the Project Preview Tab of the Project Manager.
6. Date created
7. Version letter
- This shows the letter that is assigned to that version.
8. Version name
- Here you can enter a name for the version. This name will show up in the version selector in the project manager and in browse mode.
9. Target Video Name
- This is the file name of the target video that was recorded or that was added as an existing movie.
10. Version comments
- Here you can enter comments for the currently selected version. These comments are shown in the Project Preview Tab of the Project Manager.
11. Close window button
- click this to close the Project Info window.