Setting VideoLinkwell preferences using the Preferences dialog is explained in this section
To open the Preferences dialog.
1. Select Preferences from the VideoLinkwell menu.
To set the window size in preferences
1. Click on the General Tab
2. Select the window size.
-Minium - sets the application to the smallest possible size
-Standard - sets the application to the size of a 15" monitor
-Full Screen - sets the application to the full width and height of the screen.
-Fit Screen - sets the application width and height but leaves room for the Dock.
Resizing VideoLinkwell window
You can also resize the VideoLinkwell window by clicking and dragging on the edges of the window.
To set the default locations for saving VideoLinkwell Projects and for selecting source movies:
1. Click the Capture Tab
The default project folder should be the VideoLinkwell folder in your Movies folder - '~/Movies/VideoLinkwell. This folder is created automatically the first time VideoLinkwell is launched. You should not delete this folder. You should not change the default folder.
A source movie is used as a stimulus movie recording an interpretation. The user's interpretation will be recorded as a target movie. You can select a default folder that contains your source movies that is selected by default when you select a source movie in the New Project Dialog. You can choose a source movie from a different source movie at the time you are creating a new project.
To set the default source movie folder:
1. Click the Default Source Movie Folder field.
-This opens the dialog to select the folder.
2. Select the folder that contains your source movies.
3. Click OK
The default capture type is AVFoundation based capture. This works with the newest Macs and the latest operating system including Mac OS X Yosemite. You should use this for your projects.
If you are going to change the capture type make sure you do not have the capture window turned on. If it is on turn off capture as explained in the following lesson Using the Video Capture window before changing the capture type.
To select AVFoundation based capture.
Click on the AVFoundation radio button (2)
There is a legacy capture type which is QuickTime based capture. This does not not work properly with the FaceTime HD camera on MacBook Pro retinas made after late 2013. You should not use this for new projects.
To select QuickTime based capture.
Click on the QuickTime (Legacy) button (3)
To set preferences for the Comment window.
1. Click the Comment tab
2. Stop Video at Links.
-If this is checked new links will have the Stop Video at Links option checked when they are created.
3. Target movie player options
-if Update time display while playing is checked the current time of the video will be displayed during playback.